2020年4月9日 星期四

How to: 在醫院中建構簡易負壓插管箱 ( How to: Make a negative pressure intubation box with handy items )

首先,誠摯的感謝賴賢勇醫師麻的法課 - 邱豑慶醫師發明並無私地提供插管壓克力箱的設計圖,不僅造福台灣的醫護與EMT人員外,更登上國際期刊並被多國醫療人員廣為採用,也讓台灣的軟實力與創造力被世界看見,著實是實至名歸的台灣之光。在此,向兩位前輩致上最高的敬意與感謝。


器材準備 ( Tool preparation )

器材準備1:壓克力插管箱。感謝埔里榮民醫院工務室、連于翔、Joyce 的大力協助。

Tool set part 1: Plastic intubation box.

器材準備2:三花乳膠手套 ( 尺寸8 1/2” X 16” ) (五金行與蝦皮都有賣 )HME過濾器、抽吸管、白貼、短柄喉頭鏡。

Tool set part 2: long sleeve (at least 16 inches) natural latex glove for housekeeping or gardening, HME filter, suction tube, gorilla tape, video laryngoscope with short handle.


Tool set part 3: 3M paper tape, clean trash bag.

組裝步驟 ( Assembling process)


Step 1: tape the gloves at the cephalic holes of the box with gorilla tape, and cover the rear opening with the trash bag, tape with 3M paper tape.


Step 2: Fix the HME filter at the side hole of the box.


Step 3: Plug the suction tube in the HME filter.

插管流程 ( The process of intubation ) ( 感謝麻醉護理師友情客串演出 )


Step 1: Place the laryngoscope and endotracheal tube at each side inside the box before the patient arrive. Once the patient lie in place, put in the mask which connected with extension tube from the rear opening. Put down the trash bag and cover the rear opening. Turn on the suction and build a negative pressure inside the box.


Step 2: Place both hands inside the gloves, oxygenate and intubate the patient.


Step 3: If this is not a head and neck surgery, consider using the negative pressure box throughout the operation.

. 術後若必須拔管,雙手伸入手套進行拔管。拔管後抽出手套,並將預拋棄之用物裝於其中一起抽出。捲起並拆除垃圾袋。移除HME過濾器。

Step 4: If removal of the endotracheal tube is necessary after the surgery, place your hands into the gloves to extubate. Withdraw your hands out of the glove with endotracheal tube and disposable tools. Remove the gloves and trash bag from the box ( just like taking off the PPE ). Remove the HME filter.
